С сегодняшнего дня полиция будет ЗНАЧИТЕЛЬНО СТРОЖЕ. Выходить из дома после 11 утра нельзя!

Сегодня вечером премьер министр обратится к нации с уточнениями по нынешней ситуации. Возможно Janta Curfew продлят, как и предупреждали. Сейчас в стране более 500 инфицированных, 10 смертей.

From today 1100 hrs onwards, Goa police will crack the whip. Those not obeying restrictions will be taken to task. They are endangering the life of others as well. From Today onwards police wil be strict with people.

Local Police can book individuals as under, for those who do not comply with the law / regulatory orders related to curb COVID-19.

*1. Sec 188 IPC:* Violation of order promulgated by Govt.

*Cognizable, Bailable.*

*2. Sec.269 IPC*

Negligently doing any act known to be likely to spread infection of any disease dangerous to life

Imprisonment for 6 months or fine, or both.

*Cognizable, Bailable*

*3. Sec 270 IPC*

Malignantly doing any act known to be likely to spread infection of any disease dangerous to life

Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or both

*Cognizable, Bailable*

*4. Sec.271 IPC*

Knowingly disobeying any quarantine rule

Imprisonment for 6 months, or fine, or both *Non-cognizable.*

The above message can be circulated so that people become aware and follow orders strictly….


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